The use of cameras or any type of recording devices is prohibited at all times. 

Please turn your cell phone off or set it to the silent mode. Please also refrain from text messaging and using your phone as a light source during the performance. 

Children younger than 5 years-old are typically not permitted in the theater. At designated family-oriented productions, however, children of all ages are permitted. Everyone must have a ticket, regardless of age. A limited number of booster seats are available at our Nollen or Prairie Meadows Lobby Guest Services Counter. 

Late seating will be accommodated by house staff at the earliest appropriate time. Pay attention to lobby chimes, which are sounded five minutes before the show begins, as well as after intermission. 

The use of tobacco products is not allowed in any Des Moines Performing Arts space or within 15 feet of any entrance.

Des Moines Performing Arts welcomes services animals as defined by the Americans with Disabilities Act to accompany their owner at any of our indoor venues. Emotional support animals, comfort animals, therapy animals, and pets are not permitted.  If you intend to bring a service animal to a performance, please notify your ticket agent at the time of purchase so that we can identify the most suitable seating location for you.