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Thanks to the generosity of our donors and the Broadway shows that visit our venues, Des Moines Performing Arts is thrilled to share $10 tickets with students in all Des Moines Public High Schools. 

With Access Broadway, DMPA aims to make it possible for all high school students in our community to have the opportunity to see their first Broadway production.

More Information:

If you're an educator or administrator outside of DMPS and would like to be notified of the program’s expansion or are simply interested in learning more about this initiative, please contact Janet Casson, Coordinator of Community Engagement 

Access Broadway: Back to the Future

We recently welcomed nearly 100 students from three DMPS high schools to Back to the Future: The Musical through the Access Broadway Program.

Access Broadway invites local high school students to have their first experience with a Broadway show by removing barriers of ticket and transportation costs. The shows in our Willis Broadway Series offer tickets for this program at $20 each. The generosity of our Donors allows that price to be reduced to just $10 per ticket.